Boxoft Photo Cool Maker () enables users email the editing photo to friends timely. More details follow steps below:
Follow easy steps below:
1 Users should first set basic mail settings by click button “Settings” on top menu line and then follow steps below:
<1> Select how to send email message: checking “use current email application (i.e. outlook winmail and etc…)” and “Use internet E-Mail Server (SMTP)”;
<2> Internet E-mail Server (SMTP) account setting: “Server information (Outgoing SMTP mail server, server port number)” and “User information (username, your name and password)”;
<3> Test: Send a test email.
PS: Users could get this basic information from their existed mail box settings and then enter the details on “Settings” diaglog box of Boxoft Photo Cool maker.
2 Send edited image to friends:
<1> Edit photos;
<2> Click button “Send Mail” on top menu line;
<3> In pop-up diaglog box enter target email address, subject and content body.